We love to have veterinary and pre-veterinary students come to our clinic for externships! Email drkathyjordan@yahoo.com your resume and desired dates in order to set up an externship. For students living close to the clinic, we will then schedule an interview and tour of the hospital. At this point, no pay is possible for externships.
Pre-Veterinary Students and Veterinary Technician Students:
For pre-vet and vet tech students, we offer either summer externships or externships that involve shadowing for a set number of hours per week. You will be observing examinations, medicating, laboratory testing and surgeries. You will also be given training on some basics of restraining pets, preparing vaccinations, and general dog and cat care. For students spending a longer time period with us, such as all summer, we are also happy to teach you how to give injections, monitor pets during surgery, and other common veterinary assistant tasks. Externships with us can often be done for class credit with Clemson University.
Veterinary Students:
We can accommodate externships of any length desired, though we recommend at least three weeks so that you can gain the maximum experience. We can gear the externship more towards general mixed animal practice or more towards shelter medicine, depending on your interests. You can also do a small animal only externship with us. You will be in charge of examining and coming up with a treatment plan for the pets in CARE, our rescue program. This will be under close veterinary supervision, but there will be the opportunity to formulate treatment plans for many conditions as well as perform or assist in routine surgeries. You will also be observing and participating in examinations and treatment plans on client owned pets. For students interested in a shelter based externship, you will be spending time at the local county shelter where Dr. Jordan volunteers. You will assist with formulating disease control measures there as well as examining sick pets and formulating treatment plans for them.